Cycling groups push for a better biking city
Post date: Jul 23, 2012 5:55:27 AM
One year ago the Baillieu government declared Melbourne one of the world’s best cycling cities. Amid much fanfare Tourism Minister Louise Asher announced the Union Cycliste International had bestowed on Melbourne the title of "bike city", just the second city recognised as such after Copenhagen.
But cycling groups questioned the state government’s commitment when it slashed the number of infrastructure projects it planned to fund in 2012-13 to four, down from 22 the previous year.
Missing link: A cyclist carries her bike up stairs on the Yarra Trail in Abbotsford. Photo: Wayne Taylor
Advocates for improved cycling infrastructure and safety ask for
1. Connecting the cycling network - there are man y missing links needed to join Melbourne's bike routes that require urgent attention for safer and efficient cycling.
2. Reducing speed limits - to 40km/h in the CBD and in the left lanes of arterial roads like St Kilda Road. Studies show the lower the speed in crashes, the greater chance a cyclist had of survival.
3. Enact 'Scotty's law' - giving police the power to suspend a driver's licence if they suspect they are unfit to drive
4. Separate lanes for cyclists - "Copenhagen-style" bike lanes to improve cyclists safety
5. Education campaigns - advising drivers to "look for bike riders"
Source: The Age